Process Number: 113

Revision Date: 5/13/2013 5:20:00 PM
Revision #: 2
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Dean's List and Labels

Office Responsible: DCS - District - Computing Services Process Type: internal
Position Title: Programmer Author: CGreen
Cross Trained Staff: Manager: DHarris Vice Pres.:

Timeline (Deadlines or Time-Constraints) :
What must be done before this process is started:
1. All the grades must be in for the requested term.
2. The requesting office must notify us to begin processing
Which processes are waiting for this process:
Honors programs and ceremonies.
Source documents or communication with information needed for this process:
1. I need to know the college, the term , number of copies and name or zip code sequence.
What is the end-result of this process, or the hand-off
1. Dean`s list report.
2. Dean`s list labels.
What steps must be taken independent of the computer system (Manual Process)
Which steps must be taken on a computer (Electronic Process):
1. At the colon prompt, enter S02.DEANS.LIST for the report.
2. Enter S02.DEANS.SELECT.LIST for the labels select list.
3. Run the FPR processing procedure in Faculty Division/Department labels to process the labels select lists.
4. There will be 3 select list;
5. Run each select list using the FPR processing steps used in the Faculty Division/Department labels procedure.
Related Documents to Process (e.g. Datatel documentation, Government code books, etc.)
Notes (Cautions, suggestions for improvement, etc.)

Process Number: 113

Revision Date: 5/13/2013 5:20:00 PM
Revision #: 2
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