Process Number: 138

Revision Date: 6/7/2001 8:24:13 AM
Revision #: 6
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Graduation Process

Office Responsible: CA&R - Crafton - Admissions & Records
VA&R - Valley - Admissions & Records
Process Type: internal
Position Title: Admissions, Reg, & Rec Clerk II Author: LMolina
Cross Trained Staff: Manager: NSvenson Vice Pres.: KRagan

Timeline (Deadlines or Time-Constraints) :
What must be done before this process is started:
Academic Program and TOP codes, Building a Course, Building a Section, Application, Registration, Grading
Which processes are waiting for this process:
Diploma printing and mailing, Graduation Commencement, MIS Data Extract
Source documents or communication with information needed for this process:
What is the end-result of this process, or the hand-off
Award of AA/AS Degree Diplomas to successful student
What steps must be taken independent of the computer system (Manual Process)
Petition from student to graduate.

Evaluate transcript(s)
Which steps must be taken on a computer (Electronic Process):
SGRD (Student Graduation Data):
From Datatel menu click File, Run and type `SGRD` at the prompt. At the next prompt type the student`s name, SSN or ID. If the student has not received a degree or certificate you will get a message that the student has no graduate record and ask you to create one. Click on `Y`. The system will take you to a resolution screen to select an academic program for awarding a certificate or degree. Enter the following information in the fields listed below:

Eligible for Commencement - Type `Y`

Requirements Complete - Type `Y`

Diploma Name - Type the student`s name to appear of the diploma.

Term - Enter term the student will graduate.

Commencement Date - Enter appropriate commencement date.

Degree Date - Enter date of degree if receiving a degree.

CCDs Date - Enter certificate date if receiving a certificate.

End Pgm on Commencement Date - Type `Y`

Completion Date - Enter date program will be completed.

Commencement Site - Type `CERT`

Press `F10` to enter another student or `F9` to exit.

Trans Grouping - Type `VU` for Valley Unofficial, `CU` for Crafton Unofficial, `C` Counselor Copy.

Use Grouping Ptr - Set to `No`

Verify Prt Rstrs - Set to `No`

Recipient - Leave blank

Sort Order - Leave as `By Student`

Add Hierarchy - Leave as `Preferred`

Saved List Name - Leave blank

Students - Type in the student`s SSN or ID No. Datatel will keep the students you requested the last time you requested transcripts from this screen. To delete the students you do not want click on the number to the left of the student`s name and click on `Delete`. To enter a student`s ID or SSN scroll until you find a blank field on the list.

Addnl Select Criteria - Leave as `No`


Press `F10` to continue. Another screen will come up. You do not need to do anything on this screen.

Press `F10 again to go to the printing option screen. In the Peripheral Device field, type `A` to print to you auxiliary printer, `P` to print to the system printer, or `H` to hold to the screen. If you type `P`, you must type your system printer in the Location field.

Press `F10`. The system will take to the Phantom mode screen. You do not need to do anything on this screen.

Press `F10` again. You will see the Datatel text screen. Press `F10` to continue. If you selected `H` to hold to the screen, follow the directions at the bottom of the screen to maneuver around the screen. `F9` to exit.
Related Documents to Process (e.g. Datatel documentation, Government code books, etc.)
Graduation Processor Rev. 02/17/00
Notes (Cautions, suggestions for improvement, etc.)

Process Number: 138

Revision Date: 6/7/2001 8:24:13 AM
Revision #: 6
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