Process Number: 139

Revision Date: 11/6/2001 8:20:07 AM
Revision #: 4
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MIS Data Extraction

Office Responsible: DCS - District - Computing Services Process Type: internal
Position Title: Sr. Programmer/Analyst Author: BNoble
Cross Trained Staff: Manager: DHarris Vice Pres.: RTemple

Timeline (Deadlines or Time-Constraints) :
What must be done before this process is started:
Academic Program & TOP Codes, Building a Course, Building a Section, Application, Registration, Grading, Positive Attendance, Graduation, Certificate Award
Which processes are waiting for this process:
California State Chancellor`s Report
Source documents or communication with information needed for this process:
What is the end-result of this process, or the hand-off
ASCII data exchange format information
What steps must be taken independent of the computer system (Manual Process)
Which steps must be taken on a computer (Electronic Process):
Brett Noble and Mike Tran contact and coordinate with Valley and Crafton Hills staff responsible for running the graduation processor ensuring that all certificates and degrees have been awarded/posted.

Two specific college codes are used and Brett Noble has written a custom program to assign these, which was written in an effort to lesson user error.
The codes are: 981 – Crafton 982 – Valley·

There are different academic program codes for Valley and Crafton
The graduation processor has to be run by the designated administrative offices first, then based upon the outcomes of that process, the ‘G’ status for graduated and the status date are updated and the student information is temporarily stored in the GRADUATES file within Colleague

Verbal communication must exist between the Computing Services office and administrative staff at both Valley College and Crafton Hills College as noted previously to ensure all students completing programs are ‘graduated’ and will be included in the MIS Data Extraction

Brett Nobel has translation tables built to ensure proper codes are sent to the State. Whenever Academic Programs codes change the translation table is updated automatically

Follow State Agency mandates for any changes to the data extraction
Related Documents to Process (e.g. Datatel documentation, Government code books, etc.)
Notes (Cautions, suggestions for improvement, etc.)

Process Number: 139

Revision Date: 11/6/2001 8:20:07 AM
Revision #: 4
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