Process Number: 211 |
Revision Date: 8/4/2003 8:26:37 AM |
Revision #: 16 |
Load Datatel Patches
Office Responsible: | DCS - District - Computing Services | Process Type: | internal |
Position Title: | Datatel System Administrator | Author: | bnoble | ||
Cross Trained Staff: | Manager: | rkeith | Vice Pres.: |
Timeline (Deadlines or Time-Constraints) : |
As needed, generally monthly |
What must be done before this process is started: |
Datatel system backup |
Which processes are waiting for this process: |
Source documents or communication with information needed for this process: |
What is the end-result of this process, or the hand-off |
What steps must be taken independent of the computer system (Manual Process) |
Notify Datatel users of the date and time of the patch load, and that they must not be logged in at that time. |
Which steps must be taken on a computer (Electronic Process): |
1. Shut down TReg and WebReg. 2. Log in to the sb2 server as "datatel". 3. From the unix prompt login as "root". 4. Check for any users currently using UniData with the command "ps -fe | grep udt". 5. Kill all such processes using the "kill" command. 6. Lock out all users except "datatel" with the command "chmod 700 /datatel". 7. Repeat step 4 to verify that no users logged in before you locked them out. 8. Log out of "root" and verify that you are logged in as "datatel" with the "whoami" command. 9. Start UniData in the INSTALL account (see notes) of the account you are loading patches into, and start the UT application. 10. Verify that the "Full Path for Software Update Repository" field on the ELPD screen shows "/datatel/expl/r17". This should be the same for both the live and test accounts. 11. If you are loading patches into the test account, retreive all available patches using the ELRE screen. If you are loading patches into the live account, do not retrieve new patches because they have not been tested. 12. Run the Express Load Install in non-update mode on the ELIN screen. Print or e-mail the basic report. 13. Complete the pre-install steps as shown on the report. 14. Install the patches by running ELIN in update mode. Be sure all deferrable patches are set to "yes" in the "Inst" column. 15. Complete all post-install steps as shown on the report. Then flag that they have been completed on the ELPO screen. 16. Verify that the account is working. 17. Unlock the users with the command "chmod 770 /datatel". 18. Restart TReg and WebReg. 19. See Process 214 for testing and maintaining Datatel customizations. |
Related Documents to Process (e.g. Datatel documentation, Government code books, etc.) |
Notes (Cautions, suggestions for improvement, etc.) |
Datatel account directories: live account: /datatel/live/collive test account: /datatel/work/coltest development account: /datatel/development/coldev live install account: /datatel/release/COLL17/INSTALL test install account: /datatel/development/CDEV17/INSTALL development install account: /datatel/development/CDEV17/INSTALL |
Process Number: 211 |
Revision Date: 8/4/2003 8:26:37 AM |
Revision #: 16 |