Process Number: 234 |
Revision Date: 3/25/2005 6:31:00 PM |
Revision #: 3 |
Pull Early Alert Data from GradeBook
Office Responsible: | DCS - District - Computing Services | Process Type: | internal |
Position Title: | Web Developer | Author: | cbrady | ||
Cross Trained Staff: | Janice Moody | Manager: | Vice Pres.: |
Timeline (Deadlines or Time-Constraints) : |
What must be done before this process is started: |
Gradebook entry of Early Alert data, by Faculty. |
Which processes are waiting for this process: |
Process 118 - MIS Reporting |
Source documents or communication with information needed for this process: |
Requested by Janice Moody, who is processing the MIS reports. |
What is the end-result of this process, or the hand-off |
Text file containing student ids, formated as one student id on each line. example: 0123456 0234567 0345678 0456789 |
What steps must be taken independent of the computer system (Manual Process) |
Which steps must be taken on a computer (Electronic Process): |
1. Open SQL Enterprise Manager 2. Expand the server listing for "Centipede" ( 3. Expand the listing of "Databases" 4. Expand the database "Gradebook" 5. Right click on "Early_Alert_Submission_Report" 6. Select "Design View" 7. Update the SQL statement with the appropriate dates for (format: MM/DD/YYYY) : SELECT DISTINCT RIGHT(RTRIM(CAST(`0000000` + CAST(student_id AS char(7)) AS char(14))), 7) AS StudentID FROM dbo.early_alert WHERE (submit_date BETWEEN ` 8. Click "!" to run the updated script. 9. Copy the output (at the bottom) and paste it into notepad and save it as studentids.txt. |
Related Documents to Process (e.g. Datatel documentation, Government code books, etc.) |
Notes (Cautions, suggestions for improvement, etc.) |
Process Number: 234 |
Revision Date: 3/25/2005 6:31:00 PM |
Revision #: 3 |