Process Number: 44

Revision Date: 7/5/2005 3:30:00 PM
Revision #: 6
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Build/Create New Catalog Code in Datatel

Office Responsible: DCS - District - Computing Services Process Type: internal
Position Title: Instructional User Liaison Author: DWalter
Cross Trained Staff: Manager: GVanVoorhis Vice Pres.: GKuck

Timeline (Deadlines or Time-Constraints) :
What must be done before this process is started:
You will need Start and End Dates for the catalog period. Process #38.
Which processes are waiting for this process:
The process in Datatel to copy Academic Programs (CATC - Catalog Copy) from the current catalog to the new catalog is waiting for this process. (process #48) This allows a new students starting next fall, to sign up for an Academic Program in the catalog they are entering school under.
Source documents or communication with information needed for this process:
What is the end-result of this process, or the hand-off
What steps must be taken independent of the computer system (Manual Process)
Which steps must be taken on a computer (Electronic Process):
1. Access the CTLG - Catalogs Screen.
2. In the LookUp Box enter … (3 periods) and press enter. This will show you the resolution screen of current catalogs and the structure of the Catalog ID to begin the process of building the NEW catalog.
3. Cancel out of this resolution screen and enter the new catalog code for the catalog to be created in the LookUp box.
4. Enter the description of the catalog, i.e. CHC 2001-2002 Catalog, enter the first day of the Fall term in the Start Date field, enter the day BEFORE the next Fall term is to start in the End Date field. Press F10
5. Do this for both SBVC and CHC.
Related Documents to Process (e.g. Datatel documentation, Government code books, etc.)
Notes (Cautions, suggestions for improvement, etc.)

Process Number: 44

Revision Date: 7/5/2005 3:30:00 PM
Revision #: 6
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