Process Number: 86 |
Revision Date: 6/23/2014 6:22:00 PM |
Revision #: 38 |
Fac Evals, Scan Forms & Import Data to Datatel OLD
Office Responsible: | DCS - District - Computing Services | Process Type: | internal |
Position Title: | Programmer | Author: | CGreen | ||
Cross Trained Staff: | MTran | Manager: | BGriffin | Vice Pres.: | GKuck |
Timeline (Deadlines or Time-Constraints) : |
Fall = Oct/Nov, Spring = Mar/Apr |
What must be done before this process is started: |
1. Completed (bubbled) Faculty Evaluation Forms RETURNED by the Division Secretaries/SBVC, Admin.Assistant, Instruction/CHC. NO BLANKS, NO CLIPS, NO RUBBER BANDS. 2. On the PC that the scanner is attached to, DELETE prior terms files (.SDF and .DAT)from the folder on the "I" drive |
Which processes are waiting for this process: |
Faculty Evalution Statistical Reports (XFER in Datatel) |
Source documents or communication with information needed for this process: |
Completed (bubbled) Faculty Evaluation Forms. |
What is the end-result of this process, or the hand-off |
Faculty Evaluation Statistical reports can be run by SBVC/CHC Instructional Staff. (XFER in Datatel) |
What steps must be taken independent of the computer system (Manual Process) |
Which steps must be taken on a computer (Electronic Process): |
CHECK "WHAT MUST BE DONE BEFORE THIS PROCESS IS STARTED" section of this document. To Scan the forms and Import data to Datatel: 1. Go to the scan computer by the Opscan 6 scanner. 2. Choose the "Scan Tools" Icon on the desktop. 3. When the window comes up, make sure the application is "Evaluation 888". If it is not, choose it from the combo box. 4. Choose Datafile from the menu bar, Choose New, put a name in the box, e.g. cf04ev = CHC fall 04 Eval OR vpef04ev = Valley PE (div) fall 04 Eval. Use two digits for div. 5. Put the scan forms in the hopper. Place them face up with the scan marks toward you. 6. Choose "Scan" from the window. The scanner will start. 7. You will see a number of option windows with radio button choices. Usually, the Data option group will have the Append option chosen. If you have any questions concerning the options, please see Mike Tran/Charles Green. Note: If you need to continue in scanning or add to a "non-imported` data file, in the "Data" frame (Upper left), make sure that the "Append" option button is checked. From the "Data file" (.dat) drop down menu box, make sure the file name is the one you want to append to. CHC has one file for each term. SBVC has a file for each division. 8. Follow steps below to check file for * (asterisks) and spaces in the instructor id or section id.(it is recommended to do Step 8 after a couple of batches have been scanned) a. Right click the "Start" button in the taskbar. b. Choose "Explore". c. Choose Local Disk(C:) d. Choose folder (sfw) e. Choose folder (CHC Data) f. Choose file that was created in Step 4 above (i.e. cevf04.dat) g. Open the file to edit the data h. Use the Find option under Edit on the Menu Bar to find the * (asterisks) i. When you find an (*), look at the data "row" for this form. If the other responses are "1"`s, then double click the (*) and enter a "1" . What ever the other responses tend to be, enter a number that`s within the range of the other responses. 9. Transfer (FTP) the .dat file from the scanner PC to your Datatel home directory i.e.(/datatel/coll18/production/apphome/_HOLD_/) a. Click the "Start" button in the taskbar at the bottom of the window. b. Choose "Programs" from the pop-up menu. c. Choose "Reflection" from the next pop-up menu. d. Choose "FTP Client" from the next pop-up menu. e. When the FTP window comes up, on the Client side (left side), at the bottom, choose C:\, sfw, CHC Data, then hi-lite the .dat file. f. On the Server side (right side), enter your login name and password to log into Datatel. g. Go to the HOLD directory for R18Live e.g. (/datatel/coll18/production/apphome/_HOLD_) h. If its not highlighted from step `e`, go back to the client side, hi-lite the .dat file. i. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the .dat file to the `_HOLD_` directory. Note: Make sure to log into Datatel (R18Live:ST, UI window) for the following steps. 10. Validate Scan Data file a. Enter the mnemonic "XFEI" with the following parameters: 1 - College: (S)BVC, (C)HC 2 - Term: (... to chose from list, or enter in format 2007SP, 2008FA, etc) 3 - Report Options: (V)alidate 4 - Scan Data Dir: _HOLD_ 5 - Scan Data File: (i.e. vlrssp07.dat) 6 - Enter "Y" for the validation reports below: a. Reg Stu Validation b. Instr Validation c. Site,Term Validation d. Print Proc Validation e. Scan Proc Validation b. Press F10 c. Select "H" on the print screen, Press F10 d. Press F10 on the Phantom Execute screen. 11. REVIEW OUTPUT The process produces 5 error checking reports. To view the documentation for the reports and suggestions as to the corrections of the errors, please refer to: 12. REPEAT Steps 10 & 11 until errors are reasonable (see above mentioned document) 13. Import Scan Data file a. Enter the mnemonic "XFEI" with the following parameters: 1 - College: (S)BVC, (C)HC 2 - Term: (... to chose from list, or enter in format 2007SP, 2008FA, etc) 3 - Report Options: (I)mport 4 - Scan Data Dir: _HOLD_ 5 - Scan Data File: (i.e. vlrssp07.dat) 6 - Enter "N" for all validation reports. b. Press F10 c. Select "E" (Electronic E-Mail option) d. The subject can be the report name, Fac Evals Importation Report e. You can send the e-mail to, the Fac Evals group. f. Press F9 to update. 14. Stamp Scan Data file a. Enter the mnemonic "XFEI" with the following parameters: 1 - College: (S)BVC, (C)HC 2 - Term: (... to chose from list, or enter in format 2007SP, 2008FA, etc) 3 - Report Options: (S)tamp 4 - Scan Data Dir: _HOLD_ 5 - Scan Data File: (i.e. vlrssp07.dat) 6 - Enter "N" for all validation reports. (Note: >>>DOUBLE CHECK COLLEGE CODE AND TERM CODE.<<<) b. Press F10 c. Select "E" (Electronic E-Mail option) d. The subject can be the report name, Fac Evals Stamp Process Report e. You can send the e-mail to, the Fac Evals group. f. Press F9 to update. Note: The running of "XFEI" with the (S)tamp options should remove the "NO STAMP" errors in part 5 of the error report. 15. College offices will now run "XFER". |
Related Documents to Process (e.g. Datatel documentation, Government code books, etc.) |
In the Datatel Document Library New Faculty Evaluation User Process.doc Requesting faculty Eval forms.doc Faculty Evaluation Statistical Report.doc Update Faculty Last Evaluation Date.doc In the District Computing Services process documentation Faculty Evaluations forms requested (XFEV) #66 AND #221 Faculty evaluations, Generate Forms #69 Faculty Evals, Scan Forms & Import Data to Datatel # 86 Faculty Evals Error Correction Documentation # 240 |
Notes (Cautions, suggestions for improvement, etc.) |
1. The forms might jam do to paper clips and/or staples on forms. 2. Pull out any forms that have hand written changes to instructor name or section. Notify appropriate instruction office and send forms back. |
Process Number: 86 |
Revision Date: 6/23/2014 6:22:00 PM |
Revision #: 38 |