Process Number: 89

Revision Date: 2/23/2001 5:42:00 PM
Revision #: 1
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Sars Call/calls not made

Office Responsible: DCS - District - Computing Services Process Type: internal
Position Title: Enterprise Network Spec Author: LMascarenhas
Cross Trained Staff: AHonhensee Manager: GMaez Vice Pres.:

Timeline (Deadlines or Time-Constraints) :
What must be done before this process is started:
Which processes are waiting for this process:
Source documents or communication with information needed for this process:
What is the end-result of this process, or the hand-off
What steps must be taken independent of the computer system (Manual Process)
Which steps must be taken on a computer (Electronic Process):
Vendor Name: J & J Associates
Phone Number: 415 383-3787
Contact Person: Jim Doty/Kevin

Problems usually occurs when modem locks up and does not make its calls to students, or if the clock on the computer is off. The people who notice this problem is the counseling office.
Since a yearly contract has been signed with the vendor all the clerk has to do is to make a call to the vendor or call computer center.
Related Documents to Process (e.g. Datatel documentation, Government code books, etc.)
Notes (Cautions, suggestions for improvement, etc.)

Process Number: 89

Revision Date: 2/23/2001 5:42:00 PM
Revision #: 1
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