Process Number: 93 |
Revision Date: 11/7/2001 3:32:00 PM |
Revision #: 4 |
Datatel Test Account Refresh
Office Responsible: | DCS - District - Computing Services | Process Type: | internal |
Position Title: | Datatel System Administrator | Author: | Technical Director | ||
Cross Trained Staff: | Manager: | DHarris | Vice Pres.: | RTemple |
Timeline (Deadlines or Time-Constraints) : |
As arranged |
What must be done before this process is started: |
Which processes are waiting for this process: |
Source documents or communication with information needed for this process: |
What is the end-result of this process, or the hand-off |
What steps must be taken independent of the computer system (Manual Process) |
Which steps must be taken on a computer (Electronic Process): |
Do only on a QUIET system. Everyone must be off of the system. Otherwise you run the risk of someone logging in during your copy and corrupting the data. Run a backup before making any changes. Log On to the system as DATATEL – IMPORTANT so permissions are correct. Delete the old test account by logging in as root use rm –rf /datatel/work/coltest. After the delete is finished copy the live account to test. CD to the right account. From /datatel/live execute cp –pr collive /datatel/work/coltest. After copy is done in /datatel/work/coltest make sure the name is coltest if it comes across as collive rename /datatel/work/collive to /datatel/work/coltest (mv /datatel/work/collive /datatel/work/coltest) making sure you are in the right place. At /datatel/work/coltest run find . –print | xargs chgrp ctest & find . –print | xargs chown datatel & find . –print | xargs chmod 770 & This changes all of the permissions to the correct accounts. After checking to make sure all of the permissions are correct cd to /datatel/work/coltest and udt. Once in the new test account the VOC pointers need to be changed so they do not point to the LIVE account. Execute SELECT VOC WITH F2 LIKE AND WITH F3 LIKE Once you have an open savelist AE VOC and go to field 2 enter CD # =FIX 2#C-/live-/test-G3#FI#=FIX =FIX This will change all of the VOCS to TEST. You may not have any VOCS that need to be changed since all of your files use the DATA structure. Run the select list again to check for any other vocs and then run it substituting for ...LIVE... to make sure all VOCS are changed. (The VOC COLLIVE does not need to be changed). IMPORTANT: SELECT CF.VOC WITH UT.VOC.REMOTE.XREF NE “” (See page 2-6 of your Release 16 Install manual). Once you have an open savelist: AE CF.VOC and go to field 35 enter CD # =FIX2 35#R COLTEST#FI#=FIX2 =FIX2 This changes another type of pointer to COLTEST. Do this process for CF.VOC, UT.VOC, CORE.VOC, ST.VOC, AND HR.VOC in this order. AE VOC LOGIN and change LIVE references to TEST then FI out. Run :CLEAN.RUN (Make sure it is a QUIET system before this is done). Change the Menu Headers to TEST AE ST.PARMS ‘MENU.HEADER’ Change Line One to TEST instead of LIVE Repeat this process for CORE.PARMS, UT.PARMS, CF.PARMS, and HR.PARMS. Go into some screens and make sure they look correct, undo the login block and have some users test it and you are done. |
Related Documents to Process (e.g. Datatel documentation, Government code books, etc.) |
Notes (Cautions, suggestions for improvement, etc.) |
Process Number: 93 |
Revision Date: 11/7/2001 3:32:00 PM |
Revision #: 4 |