Obsolete Processes
[Note: This section can be sorted by office, Staff Title, Staff Name.]

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Responsible Office Position Title Author Process Name
Datatel System Administrator Technical Director [68] *OBSOLETE* How to Repair Broken UniData 3.3.2 File
DHR - District - Human Resources
Human Resources Assistant All Staff [146] Building a Staff Record - Magic
DCS - District - Computing Services
Systems Analyst DTurnbeau [13] Confirm that Credit Card Operation is Functioning
CCOU - Crafton - Counseling
VCOU - Valley - Counseling
Counselor [Empty] [157] Counseling/Advisement Process
DCS - District - Computing Services
Programmer CGreen [113] Dean's List and Labels
CLIB - Crafton - Library
VLIB - Valley - Library
Dean, Learning Resource RCalote [17] Delete Patron Records
CA&R - Crafton - Admissions & Records
VA&R - Valley - Admissions & Records
[Empty] [Empty] [187] Drop Students with Outstanding Balances
DCS - District - Computing Services
Network Administrator MFink [39] Editing the Firewall
Systems Analyst dturnbeau [222] epos/treg host downtime
CINS - Crafton - Instruction
VINS - Valley - Instruction
Division Secretaries Each Div Secretary [66] Fac Eval Forms Request (XFEV -SBVC(OLD RE-WRITTEN)
Admin. Assistant, Instruction KBingham [221] Fac Eval Forms Request (XFEV)-CHC(OLD RE-WRITTEN)
DCS - District - Computing Services
Programmer CGreen [86] Fac Evals, Scan Forms & Import Data to Datatel OLD
User Liaison DyAnn Walter [241] Fac Eval-Validate/ImportData toDatatel(OLD)
CINS - Crafton - Instruction
VINS - Valley - Instruction
[Empty] [Empty] [171] Faculty Assignments
[240] Faculty Evaluation Error Correction Documentation
DCS - District - Computing Services
Programmer cgreen [69] Faculty Evaluations, Generate Forms - OLD
[Empty] [Empty] [183] IP Adress for printers located at District Office
[175] MS Labs Video Conferencing
DCS - District - Computing Services
Instructional User Liaison DWalter [140] OBSOLETE Building a Course(REPLACED/W USER DOC)
SEE NEW DOCUMENT IN DCS/FacultyEval DOCS DyAnn Walter [223] OLD Faculty Eval Forms - Prepare File for Printing
Instructional User Liaison DWalter [109] PopulateRegistrationDts(REPLACED BY XRGD)
User Liaison
[239] Process to create report of Middle College Student
Instructional User Liaison
[101] Update Div Sec Datatel Permis/BLOCK SECT Update
Responsible Office Position Title Author Process Name

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