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San Bernardino Community College District

Distance Education

Last modified at 10/16/2024 2:19 p.m.

Distance Education


The District Distance Education (DE) Team provides services that assist with the delivery of online coursework, class management, and the use of DE tools, including but not limited to Canvas, Zoom, Pronto, PlayPosit, etc. The DE Team provides system support for instructional assistance for faculty and provides training as well as workshops for faculty, students, and staff. 

The District DE Team supports both Crafton Hills College and San Bernardino Valley College in their offerings of alternative format courses, which include online, remote, and hybrid courses. This support extends further to encompass various forms of media used in instruction, including MP3s, streaming media, video-on-demand, teleconferencing, etc.

Canvas System Info:

  • Recommended browsers when using Canvas: Chrome, Firefox (make sure they are the most updated version)
  • Unable to login? Call 909-384-HELP (4357)
  • Status Reports
  • Updates with Canvas

Distance Education Team Contact:

Distance Education Campus Contact: