Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advisory Committee
Participatory Governance Structure
The District Human Resources, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Advisory Committee is an advisory committee to the Chancellor’s Council. The committee is charged with aligning Districtwide DEI efforts and ensure adequate support is available. The Advisory committee will also conduct research and make DEI recommendations to the Chancellor’s Council. The committee meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 3:00p.m. via Zoom. This is a Non-Brown Act meeting.
The District Human Resources Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advisory Committee follows a consensus-based decision-making process model. This allows the work to be done in a consensus, inclusive, and shared control matter. Decisions are made by agreement rather than by a majority vote. Therefore, a quorum is not required.
Subcommittees/task force/workgroup’s quorum structure (if needed, not mandatory) will be unique and established by the overriding advisory committee. Advisory committees can adjust as they see fit
Meetings, Agendas and Minutes
2024-2025 Committee Meetings
- February 11, 2025 Agenda l Minutes
- December 10, 2024 Agenda l Minutes (pending approval)
- November 12, 2024 Agenda l Minutes
- October 8, 2024 Agenda l Minutes
Committee Membership
- Vice Chancellor of HR & Police Services, Quad Chair
- Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Associate Director of HR
- Management Appointment, CHC
- Management Appointment, SBVC
- Academic Senate, CHC (2 Appointments)
- Academic Senate, SBVC (2 Appointments)
- Classified Senate, CHC (2 Appointments)
- Classified Senate, SBVC (2 Appointments)
- Associated Student Body Member, CHC
- Associated Student Body Member, SBVC
- CSEA Representative
- CTA Representative
- POA Representative
- Asian Pacific Islander Association
- Black Faculty & Staff Association Representative
- Latino Faculty, Staff & Administrators Association Representative
- Management Association (2 Appointments)
- Confidential Group Lead Representative
Membership Lists
Committment to the District HR Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advisory Committee is a two-year term.