Board of Trustees Legislative Committee
Committee Members
- Trustee Frank Reyes, Committee Chair
- Trustee Carlos Aguilera
- Trustee John Longville
Committee Charge
The SBCCD Board of Trustees Legislative Committee exists as a standing, advisory committee comprised of less than a quorum of Board members and is subject to the California Public Meetings Brown Act. The committee is charged with:
- Increasing the efficiency of the Board of Trustees by performing time-sensitive legislative research on its behalf.
- Improving clarity by providing a platform for detailed questions not conducive to the flow of monthly business meetings.
- Promoting transparency of SBCCD’s legislative advocacy priorities through discussions in an open forum.
- Fostering an environment of understanding by communicating findings and formulating recommendations to the full Board of Trustees.
Board of Trustees Finance Committee
Committee Members
- Trustee Stephanie Houston, Committee Chair
- Trustee Nathan Gonzales
- Trustee Cherina Betters
Committee Charge
The SBCCD Board of Trustees Finance Committee exists as a standing, advisory committee comprised of less than a quorum of Board members and is subject to the California Public Meetings Brown Act. The committee is charged with:
- Increasing the efficiency of the Board of Trustees by performing time-consuming research on its behalf regarding all matters of the District.
- Improving clarity by providing a platform for detailed questions not conducive to the flow of monthly business meetings.
- Promoting transparency of the SBCCD budgeting process and fiscal matters through detailed discussion of these topics in an open forum.
- Fostering an environment of understanding by communicating findings and formulating final recommendations to the Board of Trustees.