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San Bernardino Community College District

SBCCD Board of Trustees

Last modified at 12/16/2024 2:43 p.m.

SBCCD Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees of the San Bernardino Community College District is the governing body of the District. The Board is established by, and derives its power and duties from, the Constitution of the State of California and the Statutes of California as adopted by the Legislature and issued in the   California Education Code, and the directives of the Board of Governors, California Community Colleges, listed in   Title V, California Code of Regulations.

Seven trustees, elected from your communities, and two student representatives elected by their respective campuses govern the San Bernardino Community College District. Trustees serve a four-year term, while the non-voting student trustees serve a one-year term.

All regular and special meetings of the Board, except as otherwise required or permitted by law, are open to the public so that citizens may have the benefit of Board deliberations concerning items under consideration. A list of upcoming Board meetings are listed at 

Members of the Board of Trustees

Dr. Nathan D. Gonzales
Dr. Nathan D. Gonzales
Board Chair, Area 4

Joseph R. Williams
Joseph R. Williams
Board Vice Chair, Area 2

Dr. Cherina Betters
Dr. Cherina Betters
Board Clerk, Area 7

Coming Soon Image
Carlos Aguilera
Trustee, Area 5

Dr. Stephanie Houston
Dr. Stephanie Houston
Trustee, Area 6

 John Longville
John Longville
Trustee, Area 3

Frank Reyes
Frank Reyes
Trustee, Area 1

Hadi Natour
Hadi Natour
Student Trustee, CHC

Nelva Ruiz-Martinez
Nelva Ruiz-Martinez
Student Trustee, SBVC

SBCCD Area Maps

SBCCD Service Areas

Download SBCCD Service Area Map

SBCCD Trustee Area Map (2022)

Download SBCCD Trustee Area Map

Based on 2020 U.S. Census data, 765,547 people live within SBCCD's service area. Since the last decennial census, the district grew by 52,054 residents or 7.3%. This change is slightly greater than the state population change of 6.1%. 

At their January 2022 meeting, the SBCCD Board of Trustees approved new trustee boundaries to keep each area nearly equal in population while considering topography, geography, the cohesiveness of territory, and communities of interest.
