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San Bernardino Community College District

Distance Education Coordination Council

Last modified at 8/22/2024 9:28 a.m.

Distance Education Coordination Council

The Distance Education Coordination Council (DECC) has the charge to develop guidelines and recommendations to the colleges regarding distance education issues. This committee shall have the added responsibility of coordinating District support for distance education offered at Valley College and Crafton Hills College. All programs offered in the District through distance learning shall be a part of one of the two colleges with the appropriate review, and evaluation by the academic senate and the discipline being offered.


The District Chief Technology Officer, or their designee, will chair the Distance Education Coordinating Council. Each of the constituent groups (faculty, classified, students) of the campuses shall appoint one representative from each campus to serve on the committee. The President of each college will make the management appointment. Members of this committee shall have involvement in distance education.

Members:  Andrew Chang (Chair), Cherishea Coats (Co-Chair),Luke Bixler, T. L. Brink, Davena Burns-Peters, Rania Hamdy, Cynthia Hamlett, Kashaunda Harris, Ilaria Henein, Stephanie Lewis, Brandice Mello, Kathryn Weiss, and Margaret Worsley.


All members are responsible for making regular reports to their respective organizations. The administrators responsible for Board Policy recommendations that come from the standing committees will forward recommendations to the originating committee for review. When consensus is reached, the Chancellor will forward the final recommendations to the Board of Trustees. The minutes of this committee will be posted on the District Web.


Meetings, Agendas, and Minutes