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San Bernardino Community College District

WebAdvisor FAQs

Last modified at 3/24/2021 1:27 p.m.

Frequently Asked Questions About WebAdvisor

  • What is WebAdvisor?
    WebAdvisor is an online system that interacts with the College's student information database system. It allows you to view and/or update selected information related to your personal records in our system. It provides you with self-service capability to reduce your need to wait in lines or on the telephone.
  • What can I do with WebAdvisor?
    The Student Menu in WebAdvisor provides self-service options for reviewing your academic records including grades for all coursework completed; grade point average and status of coursework through your chosen program of study; planning your coursework; searching for classes in the current or upcoming term; viewing your financial aid information; reviewing your class schedule; and, reviewing your student profile information including student ID, name and address, email address, phone number, academic program, degree, and major. At the end of each semester, you can view your grades after they are posted (grade reports are not mailed). For questions regarding student records, contact the records office:
    • San Bernardino Valley College (909) 384-4401
    • Crafton Hills College (909) 389-3372
  • Which browsers can I use with WebAdvisor?
    WebAdvisor operates well with Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer. For Mac users, WebAdvisor operates effectively with Safari, Firefox, Opera, and Camino browsers.
  • When is WebAdvisor available?
    Our regular maintenance schedule is available at
  • How current is the information on WebAdvisor?
    The information on WebAdvisor is the most current available because WebAdvisor is interacting directly with the College's administrative database. Information is available as soon as it is entered or updated.
  • Can anyone else access my information on WebAdvisor?
    Without your User ID and Password, no one can view your information. Be sure to protect your User ID and Password. Do not share it with anyone and do not allow anyone to watch while you enter them. Select the "Log Out" option when you are finished using WebAdvisor.
  • We *strongly recommend* that you do not share your User ID and Password with anyone.
    Sharing your WebAdvisor User ID and Password with your parents, spouse, or colleague is left to your discretion. However, any person who has your User ID and Password is able to access your information and make changes and transactions to your account. Please note that the College will not give your User ID to anyone but you and we will require you to secure this information in-person with proper photo ID. Note also that nobody at the College has access to your password.
  • What if I forgot my password?
    There are multiple ways to reset your password. The first is to select the "What's my password?" link on WebAdvisor's homepage. The system can provide you a hint or reset your password. If you reset your password, it will send a temporary password to your College email account. If these options do not work, you can contact the Help Desk at 877-241-1756 and a technician can assist you. Please note that no one on campus or at the Help Desk can provide you with your current password. If you forget it, it can only be reset. When you log in after the password reset, you will be prompted to change that temporary password.
  • Is my information secure?
    WebAdvisor is a fully password protected website designed to protect your confidential information. However, you are responsible for preventing unauthorized access to your private information by protecting your User ID and password. To ensure confidentiality, it is important that you:
    • Properly log out of WebAdvisor by clicking the "Log Out" button located in the upper right hand corner and then close your browser when finished.
    • Do not share your User ID and Password with anyone.
  • Who do I contact for Technical Support?
    If you have questions or problems using WebAdvisor, call our Help Desk at (909) 384-4357 or