Current Processes
[Note: This section can be sorted by office, Staff Title, Staff Name.]

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Office :   [Empty]
Title : [Empty]
Author : pfife
Processes : [208] Clear Credit Balances
Office :   CA&R - Crafton - Admissions & Records
VA&R - Valley - Admissions & Records
Title : [Empty]
Author : [Empty]
Processes : [134] Grading Process
[186] On-Line Application Processing
[188] Registration Date Review for Late Adds
Title : Admissions & Records Coordinator
Author : LAycock
Processes : [136] Registration Process
Title : Admissions, Rec & Reg Clerk I
Author : DKarr
Processes : [127] Certificate Award Process - CHC
Title : Admissions, Recs & Reg Clerk III
Author : CAponte
Processes : [132] Graduation Process
Title : Admissions, Reg, & Rec Clerk I
Author : VBenjamin
Processes : [135] Grading Process
[143] Positive Attendance
Title : Admissions, Reg, & Rec Clerk II
Author : LMolina
Processes : [138] Graduation Process
Title : Admissions, Reg, & Rec Clerk III
Author : BMulgrav
Processes : [144] Positive Attendance
Title : Programmer
Author : CGreen
Processes : [47] S02.FIRST.TIME
Title : Records Clerk
Author : LMolina
Processes : [137] Certificate Award Process - SBVC
Title : Registration & Records Clerks I & II
Author : LPayne
Processes : [133] Registration Process
Title : Registration & Records Clerks II
Author : DKarr
Processes : [131] Application Process
Title : Registration & Records Clerks III
Author : GOchoa
Processes : [130] Application Process
Office :   CCBO - Crafton - Campus Business Office
VCBO - Valley - Campus Business Office
Title : [Empty]
Author : [Empty]
Processes : [200] On-Line Facilities Request
Office :   CCOU - Crafton - Counseling
VCOU - Valley - Counseling
Title : [Empty]
Author : [Empty]
Processes : [156] Counseling/Advisement Process
[153] Orientation Process
[155] Orientation Process
Title : Programmer
Author : CGreen
Processes : [123] S02.VISA.RPT
Office :   CEOP - Crafton - EOP&S
VEOP - Valley - EOP&S
Title : Clerical Assistant II
Author : JRoller
Processes : [160] EOPS/CARE Record Creation/Update
Title : EOPS/CARE Program Assistant
Author : LRecord
Processes : [161] EOPS/CARE Record Creation/Update
Office :   CFIN - Crafton - Financial Aid
VFIN - Valley - Financial Aid
Title : Fin Aid Coordinator
Author : EArciero
Processes : [42] RFMS Pell Payments
Title : Maureen Brady, Juanita Sousa
Author : MTran
Processes : [177] CALGRANT
Title : Programmer Analyst
Author : MTran
Processes : [19] National Students Clearing House
Office :   CINS - Crafton - Instruction
VINS - Valley - Instruction
Title : [Empty]
Author : [Empty]
Processes : [192] Assign Rooms to sections or events
[193] Facilities Usage
[170] Faculty Contracts - for Signature
[194] Sections Missing Data?
Title : Administrative Secretary
Author : BHydorn
Processes : [205] Copy Schedule of Classes Data to New Term - CHC
Title : Division Secretary
Author : [Empty]
Processes : [168] Faculty Contracts - Review Summary
Title : Scheduler
Author : CAleman
Processes : [16] Assign Synonym Numbers to Sections - SBVC
[108] Copy Schedule of Classes Data to New Term - SBVC
Title : Secretary II
Author : BChavez
Processes : [141] Building a Section
[148] Building a Staff Record - Datatel
Author : CAleman
Processes : [129] Academic Program & TOPS Codes Creation/Change
Title : Secretary III
Author : KBingham
Processes : [128] Academic Program & TOPS Codes Creation/Change
[142] Building a Section
[147] Building a Staff Record - Datatel
Office :   CLIB - Crafton - Library
VLIB - Valley - Library
Title : Dean, Learning Resource
Author : RCalote
Processes : [10] Billing
Office :   CSTS - Crafton - Student Services
VSTS - Valley - Student Services
Title : Assessment Technician
Author : FSoutherland
Processes : [152] Assessment Process
Title : Matriculation Program Assistant
Author : IVernon
Processes : [154] Assessment Process
Office :   DCS - District - Computing Services
Title : [Empty]
Author : [Empty]
Processes : [215] SBVC Committees FACULTY Selection Form
Author : dturnbeau
Processes : [202] Refund Policy Change
Author : jmoody
Processes : [207] Create Refund Reason Code
[191] EIS Term Changes
[195] epos/treg clear parking/asb cards
Title : ???
Author : bnoble
Processes : [204] Registration Billing Changes for New FA Suite.
Title : All
Author : All
Processes : [125] All Printers down at district office
[59] Datatel Printing from Uniquery
[63] Datatel Solution Center E-Mail Request
Title : Datatel System Administrator
Author : bnoble
Processes : [212] Datatel System Administration
[211] Load Datatel Patches
[214] Maintain Datatel Customizations
[210] Refresh Datatel Account
[218] Restore Custom Envision Code
Author : Technical Director
Processes : [95] Datatel - Start/Stop Printer Spooler w/ SAM
[58] Datatel File Maintenance
[94] Datatel Patch Load - SOS Batch
[91] Datatel Patch Load Process
[67] Datatel Repair Broken Unidata 5.1 Files
[93] Datatel Test Account Refresh
[55] Datatel Update STUDENT.ACAD.CRED Pointers
[97] Datatel UTDB Activation
[96] epos/treg Datatel Custom Steps
Title : Director, Administrative Computing
Author : bnoble
Processes : [219] Create New Datatel Customization
Title : Enterprise Network Spec
Author : Laz / Tom
Processes : [174] Sars Trac
Author : Laz/Tom
Processes : [196] Bookstore website access
[169] Photo Id
Author : LMascarenhas
Processes : [98] Bookstore/Secure Server ID renewal
[85] Career Center/database not found
[84] Career Center/Kiosk not working
[99] Computer/Printer/Peripheral  Quotes
[74] Greentree / Cannot find database
[50] Imaging System/Indexing problems
[49] Imaging System/SQL Error has occurred
[90] ODBC & DSN Setup for Datatel Connection
[54] POS/Can not find port
[89] Sars Call/calls not made
[53] SARS/Cannot find database
[75] Transfer Center
Title : Enterprise Network Spec./Voice Comm.
Author : Jharris II
Processes : [182] Modify a Cisco Voice over IP Telephone
[164] Name Change on the CallXpress3 Voice Mail System
[163] Name Change on the Harris 20-20 Telephone System
[162] Reporting Troubles With Verizon Telephone Lines
[167] Reset a Voice Mail Passcode for District
[166] Reset a Voice Mail Passcode on the CallXpress3
[165] Tracing the Status of a Work Order
Title : Enterprise Network Specialist/Voice Comm
Author : JHarris
Processes : [60] Sending a Harris Digital Phone in for Repair
Title : Help Desk
Author : cbrady/dwalter
Processes : [238] Display/Cancel Datatel Print Request in Que/Spoolr
Author : JRivas
Processes : [224] WebTrak Installation
Author : RCarter
Processes : [21] Setting Up  Network Accounts
[27] Setting Up Datatel Accounts
[24] Setting Up Email Accounts
[40] Setup UNIX Printer
[29] Unlocking User Accounts
Title : Help Desk and User Liaisons
Author : [Empty]
Processes : [216] Datatel Emergency Shutdown Notification
Title : Help Desk, Systems Analyst, UL's
Author : JR, DT, DW
Processes : [203] New User Application Process
Title : Instructional User Liaison
Author : DWalter
Processes : [38] Build/Create Campus Calendar & Terms in Datatel
[44] Build/Create New Catalog Code in Datatel
[151] Update Instructor Agreements Pay Months Table
[76] Updating the Div Sec Permissions to Build Schedule
Title : Network Administrator
Author : MFink
Processes : [30] Adding NT network printer
[33] Editing External DNS Records
Title : Network Administrator / Web Master
Author : cbrady
Processes : [220] CCentral/CCentest Installation
Title : Programmar
Author : CGreen
Processes : [226] S02.ARMED.FORCES
[227] S02.BOG
[230] S02.GERHARD
[232] S02.MARYKAY
Title : Programmer
Author : CGreen
Processes : [115] DSPS Labels
[114] EOPS/CARE Labels
[111] Faculty Division, Department Labels
[70] Print Grade Scanners Process
[12] S02.CARE.DATA
[45] S02.DAN
[11] S02.EOPS.DATA
[51] S02.FW.DATA
[87] S02.HS.COUNTS
[103] S02.LOAD.ASCII
[52] S02.STAR.DATA
[124] S02.VOTERRPT
[71] Scanning the Grade Scanner Forms
Title : Programmer Analyst
Author : JMoody
Processes : [65] EPOS/treg Recording
Title : Senior Programmer Analyst
Author : JMoody
Processes : [57] EPOS/treg Support Contacts
Title : sr programmer analyst
Author : jmoody
Processes : [225] WebTrak Profile Definition
Title : Sr. Programmer Analyst
Author : jmoody
Processes : [190] EIS/320 Report Year End
[36] EPOS/treg Credit Charge Problems (icverify)
[41] EPOS/treg Registration Problems
[20] epos/treg script updates
[25] epos/treg voice recording updates
[43] GL Post Errors
Title : Sr. Programmer/Analyst
Author : BNoble
Processes : [117] Create a former/current student demographic file
[159] EOPS/CARE MIS Submission
[119] MIS annual submission
[120] MIS college calendar submission
[139] MIS Data Extraction
[121] MIS employee census and actual submissions
[116] SBVC Puente Reporting file generation
[158] Student Maticulation MIS Term Submission
Author : jmoody
Processes : [189] EIS Nightly Update
[14] epos/treg icverify file transfer to district
[172] GL - Purge/Restore Journal Entries
[118] MIS term submission
Title : System Analyst
Author : MTran
Processes : [92] Datatel Print a Check Routine
Title : Systems Analyst
Author : DTurnbeau
Processes : [18] Confirm that EPOS/TREG Lines are Started
[100] EPOS/TREG - Build Term/Dates/Times
[102] EPOS/TREG - Set Priority Dates
[22] EPOS/TREG - Starting lines (one or multiple)
[104] EPOS/TREG - Turn on Grades for Previous Term
[37] Maintain Distribution List(s) - Enrollment Figures
[180] Prevent EPOS/TREG Lines From Auto Starting
[26] Run and Save EPOS/TREG Logs
[105] Run Program to Reset Student Types
[31] Search an EPOS/TREG Log
[106] Turn Off Previous Term Registration Access
[35] Update Calif Code of Regulations (Title V) Binder
Title : Systems Analyst/Programmer
Author : DTurnbeau / JMoody
Processes : [181] Check Previous Days Credit Card Batch
Title : Technical Director
Author : Technical Director
Processes : [197] Datatel:  ODBC Connectivity
Title : Technical Director/Programmers
Author : TD/All Programmers
Processes : [61] Debug Datatel Billing
Title : UL
Author : dturnbeau
Processes : [235] Web Registration & Priority Dates Setup
Title : User Liaison
Author : DyAnn
Processes : [73] Assigning Datatel Permissions - SOD Screen
Author : DyAnn Walter
Processes : [48] Roll (Copy) Academic Programs to the New Catalog
Title : Web Developer
Author : cbrady
Processes : [234] Pull Early Alert Data from GradeBook
Office :   DCS - District - Computing Services
CA&R - Crafton - Admissions & Records
VA&R - Valley - Admissions & Records
Title : Systems Analyst
Author : DTurnbeau
Processes : [179] Change a Student's Priority Registration Date
Office :   DCS - District - Computing Services
DHR - District - Human Resources
Title : HR Staff & UL Staff
Author : [Empty]
Processes : [56] Build/Update Staff/Volunteer Record inDatatel(SVM)
Office :   DFS - District - Fiscal Services
Title : [Empty]
Author : pongoco
Processes : [198] Clear Credit Balances
[173] GL - Month End Close
[184] GL Postings
Author : YBattle
Processes : [62] Print Student Checks
Title : Account Supervisor
Author : dkile
Processes : [185] GL - Year End Close
Title : Auditor
Author : rgerhard
Processes : [206] 320 Submission to State Chancellor's Office
Title : Director
Author : pongoco
Processes : [178] Authorize GL Accounts
Title : Programmer
Author : CGreen
Processes : [122] S02.TOTBAL
Office :   DHR - District - Human Resources
Title : Human Resource Assistant
Author : VGaitan
Processes : [145] Hiring Process
Office :   DPAY - District - Payroll
Title : Payroll Specialist
Author : CGamboa
Processes : [149] Additional Earnings Data Input
[233] MIS Staff Data Preparation
Office :   DPUR - District - Purchasing
Title : Purchasing Agent
Author : MEOliver
Processes : [213] Purchasing 2000 Account Setup Process
Office :   XXXX - Anywhere - Various
Title : [Empty]
Author : [Empty]
Processes : [201] Assign Synonym Numbers to Sections
[107] Update Section Status for Registration

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